30th GCCCDâ Annual Conference First Announcement




2018年10月12 - 13日



30th GCCCDâ Annual Conference

First Announcement

“Frontiers in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering”

October 12-13, 2018

Karlsruhe, Germany


Key Speakers:

  • Dr. Thorsten Erwe, Covestro Germany
  • Dr. Hans-Georg Weinig, GDCh
  • Prof. Dr. Stephen K. Hashmi, University Heidelberg
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Mastalerz, University Heidelberg
  • Prof. Dr. Patrick Théato, KIT
  • Prof. Dr. Harald Horn, KIT
  • Prof. Dr. Roland Dittmeyer, KIT
  • Prof. Dr. Helmut Ehrenberg, KIT
  • Sinochem International
  • Dr. Lixin Liu, Education Department of Embassy of the PRC in Germany




The 30th Annual Conference of GCCCDâ will be held in Karlsruhe on October 12-13, 2018. The theme of this conference is “Frontiers in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering”. We will focus on the state-of-the-art chemistry and chemical engineering and discuss the development trends in various fields. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of GCCCD, we will also review the 30 years of history of GCCCD and plan for the future development.

GCCCD was founded on July 24, 1988 in Bonn and registered on November 22, 1988 at the Karlsruhe District Court. GCCCD is a non-profit professional organization, mainly comprising Chinese students, scientists and professionals in Germany with a background of chemistry, chemical engineering or other related areas. GCCCD has up to now more than four hundred registered members, who are active in academia and/or industry in Germany, China, and other countries. In March 1989 and January 2015, GCCCD joined the Chinese Chemical Society (CCS) and the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China (CISC), respectively, as an oversea branch thereof. GCCCD has organized dozens of large-scale conferences/seminars in different cities in Germany. In particular, the GCCCD annual conference is a highlight among all the important events, which provides a unique opportunity for the members and guests to discuss their latest scientific achievements in the fields of chemistry, chemical engineering and so on.

The 30th GCCCD annual conference sincerely welcomes attendees from diverse branches. Please submit abstracts for posters or presentations. In this event, GCCCD and GDCh together will grant "Award for Excellent Supervisors of Chinese PhD Students" to professors who are promoting Chinese chemists and chemical engineers’ study and research in Germany. The “Best Poster Award” will be given during the conference. The conference is free of charge for the GCCCD members. Accommodation cost will be partially covered by GCCCD. The travel expenses of the presenters will be partially reimbursed.


Call for Abstracts:

We call for abstracts of both oral and poster presentations

  • Submission deadline: September 23th, 2018
  • Submission email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Abstract format: maximum two pages
  • Presentation language: Chinese, German or English




在10月12日年会的庆祝酒店Hotel Achat Plaza Karlsruhe,学会通过旅行社在10月12日晚和13日晚分别预定了30间和15间双人房。双人房和单人房每晚分别是90 €和80 €。先报名的会员将优先得到学会预定的房间。有关酒店预定详情请联系卡鲁组委会主席展翔先生。


Please fill in the information via:           https://goo.gl/forms/0c7LjDifcoz128OG2


Registration for Covestro excursion (October 11, 2018): https://goo.gl/forms/b9BVwydNEHcIZYf72



Schedule (to be updated):


Thursday, 11th Oct 2018, Leverkusen


Excursion, Covestro (max 40 People)


Friday, 12th Oct 2018, Hotel Achat Plaza Karlsruhe




Q&A Podium, “Career in chemical Industry”,

Moderator: Dr. Torsten Erwe, Covestro


Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of GCCCD


Welcome Dinner, Yangda Restaurant, Ettlinger Allee 7, 76199, Karlsruhe


Saturday, 13th Oct 2018, Rudolf-Criegee-Hörsaal (HS4), KIT


Registration and Morning coffee


Opening Remarks from the chairpersons


Section 1


Networking coffee break, Poster session


Section 2


Award for Excellent Supervisors of Chinese PhD Students (Jointly with GDCh, sponsored by Dr. Dahai Yu)




Section 3


Networking coffee break, Poster session


Section 4


Best Poster Award


End of Event




Conference fee

The conference is free of charge for the GCCCD members. Accommodation cost will be partially supported by GCCCD (please stay updated to our 2nd and 3rd round announcement). The travelling cost of the presenters will be partially reimbursed.


  • 科思创,德国(主赞助商)
  • 京博石化,中国
  • 美克思科技集团,中国
  • 东富龙,中国
  • 中国驻德使馆教育处


Sponsors and cooperation partners:

  • Covestro Deutschland (main sponsor)
  • Chambroad Petrochemicals, China
  • Max Technology Group, China
  • Tofflon, China
  • Chinese Embassy in Germany, Education Department



组委会邮箱: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Organizing committee of the 30th GCCCD annual conference

August 1, 2018

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 组委会成员:

Members of the organizing committee:

Dr. Rongbiao Wang         王荣彪博士       Kurita                    Dr. Wenjin Ding                 丁文进博士      DLR

Ms. Jiaojiao Shang           尚娇娇女士      Uni. Hamburg        Dr. Lei Wang                     王    磊博士       Heraeus

Dr. Lijiang Niu                  牛李姜博士       Forresters            Dr. Jing Wang                    王    静博士       K-UTEC

Dr. Ling Xu                      许    玲博士       Clariant                Mr. Yuanchun Ji                 吉元春先生      Uni. Ulm

Mr. Heqin Huang             黄和骎先生        Uni. Göttingen     Ms. Ruixue Zhao                赵瑞雪女士      TUM

Dr. Qiang Li                    李    强博士       Clariant                Ms. Tong Zhang                 张    瞳女士       Uni. Münster

Dr. Tuo Zhang                张    拓博士       AkzoNobel            Prof. Dr. Patrick Theato    KIT

  • 卡鲁组委会成员

Local organizing committee:

Mr. Xiang Zha                  展    翔先生     KIT                         Ms. Xinyang Liu              刘馨洋女士      KIT

Ms. Xiaofei Sun               孙小飞女士      KIT                         Mr. Hong Xu                   徐    红先生       KIT

Ms. Tiantian Zhan           詹田田女士      KIT                         Mr. Shouliang Nie           聂守亮先生      KIT

Mr. Guiying Tian              田桂英先生      KIT